Forced to Divorce
Question :

If a person’s life is threatened and is forced to give a divorce, is this divorce valid according to religious parameters?

Answer :

If he was forced to divorce his wife solely because of the threat, then the divorce is invalid. If he decided to divorce her willingly because he was convinced that continuing the relation with his wife would lead to trouble as a result of the current circumstances of the marriage, then the divorce is valid.

The Existence of the Imam
Question :

What is the solid evidence of existence of Mahdi?

Answer :

The evidence to prove his existence is from undoubted authentic narrations from the Prophet and the Imams (peace be upon them).

Question :

There is an alcohol called Ethyl (also known as Ethanol) which is supposed to be in many normal drinks, by a percentage of around 0.05%. A beverage company has openly stated it on their website. The amount seems so small, and I am sure in essence it changes and doesn’t remain in its original form. I would like your view if those drinks with ethyl are permissible or not?

Answer :

Every liquid that can cause intoxication naturally is najis, and is prohibited to consume. If alcohol is added to a drink, even in such a minute amount, it is prohibited to consume.

Question :

There is an alcohol called Ethyl (also known as Ethanol) which is supposed to be in many normal drinks, by a percentage of around 0.05%. A beverage company has openly stated it on their website. The amount seems so small, and I am sure in essence it changes and doesn’t remain in its original form. I would like your view if those drinks with ethyl are permissible or not?

Answer :

Every liquid that can cause intoxication naturally is najis, and is prohibited to consume. If alcohol is added to a drink, even in such a minute amount, it is prohibited to consume.

Tawaf al-Nisa
Question :

Is it true that when performing Tawaf al-Nisa, one is not in ihram as it is done after taqseer?

Answer :

After taqseer is undertaken, all the prohibitions of ihram are lifted, except those related to women, e.g. deriving any sexual satisfaction from one's wife and cohabiting with her. Once tawaf al-nisa is complete, then women become permissible for him.

Kaffara for Using Perfume
Question :

What is the kaffara of eating or using perfume in ihram?

Answer :

It is prohibited for the person during ihram to use musk, amber, saffron and waras; it is also prohibited to use camphor based on obligatory precaution. It is disliked to use other kinds of perfumes and scents.
The kaffara for eating food that contains such scents is to slaughter a goat or sheep for the needy people. When one eats more than once, he should repeatedly pay the kaffara. Based on an obligatory precaution one should give the said kaffara for other usages of the mentioned perfumes and scents during ihram.

Shaving the Hair in Pilgrimage
Question :

I have performed my first Hajj, and I did the Taqseer of my hair based on what I have read, and not Halq (complete shaving). Is this sufficient?

Answer :

One who performs the pilgrimage (Hajj) for the first time must shave the hair (halq) and not shorten it (taqseer). Since you did not deliberately contravene the ruling, then your pilgrimage is in order and you are not liable for Kaffara.

Smoking Cigarette
Question :

Does smoking cigarettes invalidate one’s fast?

Answer :

Yes, it does, based on compulsory precaution.

Smoking Cigarette
Question :

Does smoking cigarettes invalidate one’s fast?

Answer :

Yes, it does, based on compulsory precaution.

Funeral of Non-Muslims
Question : Can I go to the funeral of my non-Muslim friend?
Answer : It is permissible for the purpose of good companionship.
Question : I have heard that it is prohibited to cut ties with one's relatives. Is that true? Does this also include relatives who have left Islam, or mock it and its followers?
Answer : It is permissible to communicate with such people because there is a possibility that they might come back to the right path as a result of such ties. However, in some cases such communication encourages them to do wrong. Then, it becomes prohibited.
Reading in Arabic
Question :

I don't know how to read or speak Arabic, so I read the Quran in English, but is it obligatory to read the Quran in Arabic?

Answer :

Reciting the Quran in its original Arabic is essential in the prayers, and it must be learnt if you do not know how to. Outside of the prayer, reciting the Quran – in its original Arabic – is a recommended deed and not obligatory.

Question : My mother is a Sayeda, but my father is a non-Sayyid. Do I qualify to be a Sayyid?
Answer : This does not make you a Sayyid.
The Nafilah of Isha Prayer
Question :

How many Rak'as is the recommended (Nafilah) prayer for Isha? Does it make a difference if we pray sitting or standing? I heard that two Rak'as sitting is equal to one Rak'ah standing.

Answer :

It is a two-Rak'ah prayer, to be offered sitting.

Prayer of Imam Ali
Question :

How is the prayer of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) offered?

Answer :

It has been narrated that it is of four rak'as - divided into prayers of two rak'as each. In each unit, one should recite fifty times the chapter of Tawheed after the recitation of the Fatiha.

Question :

If one mosque has many donated carpets by way of waqf, and other mosques in the city do not have enough carpets, is it possible to give carpets from first mosque to another mosque for permanent use?

Answer :

If the carpets donated as religious endowment (waqf) were many in quantity, such that the mosque does not require them all and are therefore not used, it is permissible to transfer it to another mosque. Otherwise it is not permissible.

Question :

If one mosque has many donated carpets by way of waqf, and other mosques in the city do not have enough carpets, is it possible to give carpets from first mosque to another mosque for permanent use?

Answer :

If the carpets donated as religious endowment (waqf) were many in quantity, such that the mosque does not require them all and are therefore not used, it is permissible to transfer it to another mosque. Otherwise it is not permissible.

Supplication to the Infallibles
Question :

Can we supplicate to the Messenger of Allah, the Ahlulbait and the Imams (peace be upon them all)?

Answer :

The Dua (supplication) is a “request”, and since Almighty Allah is in charge of the universe and manages all creations, asking Him is direct. Requesting from others, like the Prophets or the Imams, is not permissible if the seeker considers them as being independent in dealing with his request, aside from Almighty Allah. This is like considering a partner with Almighty Allah.
If the believer seeks the intercession of the Prophets and the Imams (peace be upon them) as they can then ask Almighty Allah to fulfill the seeker’s supplication, or he requests from Almighty Allah to fulfill his supplication by referring to the high rank of the noble personalities of the Prophets and the Imams (peace be upon them), then these two kinds of supplications are considered as permissible acts of worship.

Supplication to the Infallibles
Question :

Can we supplicate to the Messenger of Allah, the Ahlulbait and the Imams (peace be upon them all)?

Answer :

The Dua (supplication) is a “request”, and since Almighty Allah is in charge of the universe and manages all creations, asking Him is direct. Requesting from others, like the Prophets or the Imams, is not permissible if the seeker considers them as being independent in dealing with his request, aside from Almighty Allah. This is like considering a partner with Almighty Allah.
If the believer seeks the intercession of the Prophets and the Imams (peace be upon them) as they can then ask Almighty Allah to fulfill the seeker’s supplication, or he requests from Almighty Allah to fulfill his supplication by referring to the high rank of the noble personalities of the Prophets and the Imams (peace be upon them), then these two kinds of supplications are considered as permissible acts of worship.

Question : If someone sends me a message via text message or online that says "Salam Alaykum" is it obligatory on me to message them back saying "Wa Alaykum Salam"?
Answer : It is not obligatory to reply to the said greeting, although it is better to do so.