Day Questions

Is it permissible for a man and his wife to hold hands when going out in public?

Such acts are amongst the attitudes of non-Muslims societies. A believer is urged not to dissolve his personality in such ethics in such a way that he/she adopts their codes of behaviors. One should adopt a distinguished way of behavior that originates from the religious codes of ethics.

I am in the process of selecting a marja to emulate, and have been recommended His Eminence Sayyid al-Hakeem. Can I rely on his book of Islamic laws in order to decide to follow him?

It is obligatory on individuals to follow the most knowledgeable when possible and that can be determined by referring to the experts who are able to determine who this is. It is not permissible for lay people to base the choice of their marja on learning about his verdicts and feeling comfortable with them.

If I want to have a temporary marriage with a Shia girl who does taqleed of a scholar that says she does not need the permission of her father for marriage, can we thus have a temporary marriage contract and be allowed to consummate the marriage without his permission?

If the consent of the guardian is a condition in the marriage based on the taqleed of the man, then it must be considered as a condition, even if the girl follows a marja who does not stipulate it.

If someone has cat's hair on his clothes can he offer the prayers with those clothes?

The prayer is invalid if there was cat's hair on the person's clothes based on compulsory precaution.