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- Tran Sexuality 4
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- Wilayet Alfaqih 3
- Work 31
- Yoga 1
- Ziyara 15
Does temptation and the feeling of sexual desire towards a woman require ghusl of janaba?
Ghusl does not become obligatory because of this.
I felt that I was about to ejaculate, but the discharge never happened, and the liquid did not come out. Will I have to do ghusl?
Without the discharge of semen, ghusl is not obligatory.
Does a man have to perform ghusl of janabah after there is some wet discharge from arousal?
A man is not required to perform the ghusl in the said cases, as semen has not been ejaculated.
Does the women have to do ghusl after touching her husband’s penis or semen?
Merely touching the penis or semen of one’s husband does not obligate ghusl on the wife.
If a thick liquid is discharged during the course of ghusl of janabah, should I start ghusl from the beginning or continue with it?
If the person during the state of janabah has urinated before the ghusl, then the release of the discharge does not affect his ghusl. If he did not urinate before performing the ghusl then there are two possibilities:
1. If he is sure that the mentioned released liquid is not associated with any traces of semen, then the ghusl is not affected and he can continue it.
2. If he doubts that it is associated with some traces of semen, then he should restart the ghusl.
If during ghusl of Janabah, you have a little bit more semen coming out, do you have to restart it or can you continue?
Ghusl should be repeated from the beginning.
Does ghusl have to be performed when one touches someone else in the state of janabah without being in the state of janabah himself?
No, touching somebody in the state of janabah is not a cause for janabah. One has to perform ghusl of janabah due to either sexual intercourse or release of semen, and not for any other reason.
If Pre-ejaculatory fluid (also known as preseminal fluid, or Cowpers fluid) is passed with urine or otherwise, Does ghusl of Janabah become obligatory?
Ghusl is not obligatory with the release of such a liquid.
There is some kind of colorless liquid that is discharged from one's penis, which could possibly be semen; what are the signs of semen?
The signs of semen are sexual excitement, forceful ejaculation and tepidity. If none of these signs is present - for a healthy human - then the discharge will not be considered to be semen. If the man was asleep during the discharge, then the two signs of sexual excitement and forceful ejaculation are sufficient to deem the discharged substance to be semen and najis. For somebody who is ill, such ejaculation with merely sexual excitement will be sufficient to regard it as semen.
It is stated by his Eminence that a discharge will be deemed to be semen if it is accompanied with tepidity, forceful ejaculation and sexual excitement. what is it meant by tepidity and if I person feels this but when he touches his penis there’s no liquid is ghusl obligatory for him?
Those are the signs of semen if one is doubtful about the nature of the discharged liquid. So, if there is a liquid released and one doubts whether it is semen or not, then the presences of these signs will determine it to be semen. If there is no liquid released, then the ghusl is not obligatory.
Tepidity means that one feels relaxed and tired.
Should the woman perform ghusl after having a wet dream? Is the substance released considered najis like semen?
If the female releases a liquid when she reaches the peak of sexual arousal, i.e. the orgasm, then based on an obligatory precaution she is considered to be in the state of janaba, even if this takes place while she is asleep. The obligatory precaution in this case means that she should perform both the ghusl and wudhu before offering prayers and she should consider the liquid to be najis and purify her clothes and body if they came in contact with it.
Does ghusl of janabah become obligatory when a woman dreams of herself or anyone being involved in sexual activities but doesn't notice any discharge of fluid except sexual arousal?
When the woman reaches sexual climax and she ejaculates fluid, then based on compulsory precaution ghusl and wudhū become obligatory in order to perform the prayers.
If no liquid is discharged, ghusl is not obligatory.
I am female and I often have sticky discharge whenever I have sensual thoughts. Is this tahir, and would I be required to do ghusl in order to pray?
If you did not reach orgasm, then the released liquid is tahir and it does not require you to perform ghusl.
When urinating a thick liquid resembling semen exits, without sexual excitement, bodily weakness and such, so I am not sure whether it is semen or not. Will this be considered as semen?
It is not obligatory to consider it to be semen in the said case.
Sometimes when I feel sexual attraction, there is an involuntary discharge of liquid, which may or may not be followed by semen. Will I need to do the ghusl of janaba?
If the semen was released, then ghusl must be performed before offering the prayers. The release of another fluid, such as what may be released during foreplay and sexual urges does not obligate ghusl.
If only half of the penis is inserted into the vagina, is this considered sexual intercourse?
The insertion of at least the penis glans into the vagina is considered to be sexual intercourse.
After I urinate, sometimes a thicker liquid that is discharged looks very much like semen. Do I have to perform ghusl every time this happens?
What comes after urinating is called wadi and is not semen. Therefore, it does not require any ghusl.
After a husband and wife have a sexual conversation on the phone and it results in discharge, is ghusl obligatory on both?
It is obligatory on the man to perform ghusl if the discharge was semen. Based on compulsory precaution, the woman performs ghusl too if there was an orgasmic discharge, not if it is a little and gradual discharge.
Is the ghusl of janabah obligatory on me if there is some discharge of fluid when I have lustful thoughts, and do I have to purify the clothing that comes in contact with it?
This may not be semen, and it could be pre-ejaculate, known as wadhī, which is discharged during or after foreplay or lustful thoughts. It is not najis and does not require ghusl.
If I am not in the state of janabah myself, will touching my husband’s semen obligate me to perform ghusl janabah?
No, you are not required to perform ghusl.