His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah al-Hakeem, receives His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Shaikh Basheer al-Najafi

His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah al-Hakeem, receives His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Shaikh Basheer al-Najafi

During the Holy month of Ramadhan and its spiritual atmosphere, His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah al-Hakeem, receives His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Shaikh Basheer al-Najafi, on Thursday night the 4th of the holy month.

Day Questions

How can I act to make the Imam of the Era (peace be upon him) pleased with me? Is there any deed that will allow me to see him?

One will please the Imam (peace be upon him) by acting upon the orders of Almighty Allah. With respect to seeing him (peace be upon him), we are not aware of any deed that will lead to it.

I understand that temporary marriage is for pleasure. Does that mean that physical attraction and lust are permissible reasons to enter into such a contract, or are there other prerequisite motivations that one must have before two people can enter into this arrangement?

It is permissible to enter into temporary marriage for the sake of pleasure and lust via legislated means and within religious guidelines. Among the benefits of temporary marriage is that it controls sexual relation between the two sexes within specific rules and guidelines; like specifying the duration of the marriage and the dower, serving the waiting period between one marriage and another, and the child born from such a matrimony being legitimate for the couple. There is no doubt that if such marriage was common in the society, committing adultery would be minimal.

I have been working and earning money for some time, but never paid Khums. Is it still obligatory on me to pay Khums on my minor monthly savings at the end of each year? Is it true that I need to fix a date in a year and calculate how much Khums is due on that date every year?

Yes, this is true; you should determine the beginning of the Khums year, which is a set date ever year. For the past period in which the Khums has not been paid, you will need to agree with your Marja or his agent on an appropriate set date and to calculate the due Khums accordingly. Additional to this, you will need to pay the Khums of all unused items in your possession, include money you have in your hands as cash and what you have saved in the bank. Once the due Khums has been paid, you are left with 80% of the original amount. Khums will not be paid on this 80% remainder again, and you are to calculate the next Khums payment on any further savings at the next set date.