Day Questions

If a thick liquid is discharged during the course of ghusl of janabah, should I start ghusl from the beginning or continue with it?

If the person during the state of janabah has urinated before the ghusl, then the release of the discharge does not affect his ghusl. If he did not urinate before performing the ghusl then there are two possibilities: 1. If he is sure that the mentioned released liquid is not associated with any traces of semen, then the ghusl is not affected and he can continue it. 2. If he doubts that it is associated with some traces of semen, then he should restart the ghusl.

Can we keep models of the shrines of the Imams (peace be upon them) in our homes and mosques, and seek our wishes from them?

It is permissible to seek the blessings from whatever is related to the Prophet and the Imams (peace be upon them all). Seeking one's wishes from them is basically seeking intercession from them because of their high rank and closeness to Almighty Allah.

If I arrive at a place and find someone I do not know leading prayer, but up until that point I have not seen him perform sin, is it permissible for me to pray behind him?

The prayer behind him is invalid unless the conditions of the Imam of the congregational prayers are met. Presenting himself to lead the congregational prayer by itself is not sufficient.

Can a man or a woman in the state of janabah recite those verses which obligate prostration?

It is not permissible for the person in the state of janabah to recite the verses of prostration. He may recite the rest of the Quran.