Day Questions

A person after urinating performs wudhu. He then performs prayer. During his prayer he feels that he has excreted a fluid from his urinary organ, but there is uncertainty as to the actual type of fluid. What is the state of his prayer now? Is it invalid?

If he did istibra, which is the process of ensuring that there is no urine left in the urethra, or if he knew that the urethra had no urine left because he waited for some time after urination or because of any other reason, then the prayer is valid and he should not pay attention to this doubt. If this was not the case, and he doubts whether the liquid was urine or not, then he should treat it as urine, consider the wudhu and the prayer as void, and purify the body and clothes that the liquid came into contact with.

Is there any religious prohibition in wearing black shoes?

It is not prohibited to wear black shoes.

Is Zakat-ul-Fitra obligatory on someone whose income can meet his annual needs?

Yes, Zakat-ul-Fitra is not obligatory on those whose income cannot meet his annual expenses