The Press Release on the Events in Azerbaijan

The Press Release on the Events in Azerbaijan

The Press Release on the Events in Azerbaijan

Day Questions

I have come to know that my brother – who is 15 years old – has started a relationship with a girl, who he meets at times and mostly they communicate via the internet. I was shocked to find this out, and I feel it is my duty to bring him back to the right path. However, I fear that if I say something he would take it negatively and do something worse. What is your advice in this situation?

You are advised to deal with your brother with calmness and wisdom taking into consideration his young age and the stage of adolescence that he is passing. You can explain to him the negative effect of the non-religious relations on his future. He may react positively to your calm advice and reasonable way. We ask the Almighty to guide you in this mission.

Can a man contracts temporary marriage with a woman whose faith and religion are not known to him? Is it necessary for him to inquire about her faith and religion?

It is permissible to marry a Muslim, a Christian or a Jewish woman temporarily. Marrying a woman who does not believe in one of these three religions is not permissible. It is necessary to make sure that she does believe in one of these religions before marrying her.

How do I perform the 'prostrations of forgetfulness' (sajdatay al-sahw)?

The prostrations of forgetfulness consist of two prostrations, and – based on an obligatory precaution – they are performed consecutively, in which dhikr of Allah Almighty is recited, followed by the tashahhud and the tasleem. The following conditions of the prostrations of forgetfulness must be met: (1) One should have the appropriate intention of worship. (2) The seven parts of the body should be placed on the ground. The parts are the forehead, the two hands – specifically the inside of the hands based on an obligatory precaution – both knees, and the two big toes of the feet. (3) The forehead should be placed on what is correct to be prostrated upon. (4) The placement of the forehead should not be high, as explained in the rulings of prostration. (5) As an obligatory precaution, the remaining conditions of prayer should also be observed, such as taharah and facing qibla.

Is it permissible to eat food containing gelatin?

If this substance is extracted from non-animal sources, then it is considered as tahir and permissible to consume. If it is extracted from an animal, then there are possibilities: If it is from a permissible to consume animal and it has been slaughtered in accordance to the Islamic faith, then the body of the animal is tahir, and the extracted gelatin is also tahir, so it is permissible to consume. If it is from a najis animal, like a pig, then the gelatin extracted from it is najis and prohibited to consume. If it is from a consumable animal which is not najis – such as a cow – but has not been slaughtered in accordance to the Islamic faith, or has been taken from a non-Muslim, then the body of the animal will be najis apart from the bones, hair and such parts of the body which do not have life. Gelatin extracted from such an animal will be prohibited, unless it is known that this gelatin has been extracted its bones and has not come in contact with the rest of the najis flesh of the body or any other najasah.