His Eminence Grand Ayatollah al-Hakeem advises the preachers from Pakistan to reach the remote areas to spread the message of Islam and the Ahlulbait

His Eminence Grand Ayatollah al-Hakeem advises the preachers from Pakistan to reach the remote areas to spread the message of Islam and the Ahlulbait

His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed al-Hakeem spoke to male and female preachers from Pakistan of the necessity of reaching the remote areas of Pakistan in order to teach the people there the Islamic laws, and to invite them to the True Path, and to propagate to them the message of the Ahlulbait (peace be upon them).

This advice was also directed especially towards the female preachers. After exerting their efforts in learning and studying, they must undertake their duties as preachers, by explaining the Islamic laws pertaining to women, so that the women can benefit from them in those areas. His Eminence continued to advise preachers towards having good behavior and etiquettes, humility, and keeping close to other believers, so that every one of them can fulfil their duties towards God in a manner that pleases Him, the Prophet and the Infallibles (peace be upon them all).

At the end, His Eminence supplicated to God that He accept the guests’ ziyarah and good deeds, and He answers their calls, and He supports them in their endeavors and duties, while interacting with others with love, compassion, honesty and humility. He prayed that He gives them the fruit of their good acts in this life and in the Hereafter. He is, indeed, All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

Day Questions

Is it permissible to wear shoes made from natural leather?

It is permissible to wear such shoes, but it is considered najis if they were bought in a non-Muslim country and if one doesn’t know whether the leather was from an animal that was slaughtered according to the Sharia.

Does ghusl of janabah become obligatory when a woman dreams of herself or anyone being involved in sexual activities but doesn't notice any discharge of fluid except sexual arousal?

When the woman reaches sexual climax and she ejaculates fluid, then based on compulsory precaution ghusl and wudhū become obligatory in order to perform the prayers. If no liquid is discharged, ghusl is not obligatory.

How do you see the relations of the Islamic world with the west?

Presumably, there should be a review of the backgrounds of the past positions and start a new era of relations and sensible dialogue that reserve the legitimate rights and participate in world peace and security away from any extremism and transcendence that used to govern the relations in the past. We encourage Muslims to present the real Islam and its humane concepts without adopting the attitudes of the Muslim rulers of the past centuries, since those rulers – in general – were like all rulers who care about their own welfare and did not mind using Islam and distorting its image to protect their rule. We can see the true Islam clearly in the biography of the Prophet and the Imams (peace be upon them) through the many incidents in history. Imam Ali (peace be upon him) refused to use force with those who refused his authority, although he was the legitimate leader, and gave them the chance to express their peaceful opposition. In all his wars, he was not the one to start the fight. We see the same in the life of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him). Although he rose to reform, he did not start the fight with the Umayyad army sent by the ruler of Kufa, Ibn Ziyad. He insisted that he will not be the one to start the fight. Indeed, it was the Umayyad army that started the fight against him.

Is the Hadith-e-Kisa Authentic?

There are many narrations that report that the Prophet gathered his household under the ‘Kisa’ – a cloak – which indicate clearly that the incident took place. The narrations are different in the exact wording. At the ending of the book of Mafatih al-Jinan, there is one version of this narration from some hadith books.