Day Questions

Should the woman perform ghusl after having a wet dream? Is the substance released considered najis like semen?

If the female releases a liquid when she reaches the peak of sexual arousal, i.e. the orgasm, then based on an obligatory precaution she is considered to be in the state of janaba, even if this takes place while she is asleep. The obligatory precaution in this case means that she should perform both the ghusl and wudhu before offering prayers and she should consider the liquid to be najis and purify her clothes and body if they came in contact with it.

I have not fasted during the month of Ramadan for many years deliberately. Is there a way I can repent for this and be forgiven?

Fasting is among the obligatory pillars that Islam was built upon. Not performing it is amongst the big sins for which Almighty Allah has threatened to punish with hellfire. However, Almighty Allah has also opened the doors of mercy for his slaves when he said: "Say: O My slaves who have wronged their own selves! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, Who forgives all sins. Lo! He is the Forgiving, the Merciful." (53:39). We ask Almighty Allah to forgive all believers and bless us all. However, alongside this, it is obligatory to make up for all the fasts missed, as well as undertaking the Kaffara and paying the Fidya, as explained in detailed in the treatise of Islamic laws.