Day Questions

A lot of women in the Western countries deny the obligation of hijab. They say that in modern life hijab isn't necessary because the rest of society is not wearing it. 1. What is the status of hijab in Islam? 2. Is hijab obligatory or recommended? 3. In which context are women allowed to stop wearing hijab?

Hijab is mandatory for a woman and she cannot leave it after reaching the age of bulugh – which is completing the age of nine lunar years. She must continue to wear it until she reaches an age at which she is not conventionally expected to marry. Hijab is a religious obligation that does not change because of time and place. The laws of the Islamic religion are from God and they last until the Day of Judgment.

What is the position of Ismailis in our religion? Are they considered as non-believers?

Whoever submits to the two testimonies – that there is no god but Allah and Mohammad (peace be upon him and his holy progeny) is His messenger – then he is a Muslim and not considered as a non-believer, even if he believes in false beliefs or certain misguidance.

Ethanol is found in almost everything we eat, from bread to fruits. Is it permissible to consume these things that contain Ethanol?

It is permissible to consume bread and fruits and similar food items even if ethanol exists in them in a very small percentage, since it does not cause intoxication.

What is the ruling for applying a hair replacement system in the form of an adhesively applied wig for men? Will it invalidate the wudhu and ghusl due to impeding the water?

If such a process leads to growing hair in such a way it is considered as part of the body, then it is sufficient to wipe on it. If what is placed on the head is a wig, then it is not sufficient in wudhu or ghusl to wipe on it.