His Eminence, Al-Sayyid Al-Hakeem, receives the Romanian Ambassador in Iraq

His Eminence, Al-Sayyid Al-Hakeem, receives the Romanian Ambassador in Iraq

His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Al-Sayyid Mohammed Saeed Al-Hakeem received the Ambassador of Romania in Baghdad, Mr. Iacob Prada, with his aides.

His Eminence advised on the importance of communication between communities, distant from political and personal motives, in order to embed great human values with societies, and to enable cooperation.

His Eminence also spoke of the role of Marji'iyyah and its complete independence, and its relationship with different levels of society.

The respected guest, Mr. Prada, expressed his gratitude in being able to visit Najaf and meet his Eminence, and he praised the fatherly role of Marji'iyyah for the Iraqi people and beyond.

Day Questions

Is it permissible to pray in a moving truck, airplane, train or boat?

With the fear of not being able to offer the prayer in the designated time in a place that is stationary, one can offer it in such moving means of transportation while observing the rules of Qiblah. Otherwise, offering the prayers this way is not sufficient.

Is it permissible to donate your organs after you die to rescue a human life?

No individual has the authority over his/her body after death. So they do not have the right to donate – in the will – the organs to anyone after their death. Yes, it is permissible to use the organs of a deceased person if the survival of a Muslim life depends on such usage.

If I want to conduct temporary marriage with a female, is it sufficient to explain it briefly to her, or should I give an in-depth explanation?

Both parties must understand the relation as a religiously recognized marital relation for a certain time in an exchange for a dower.

I have heard that if a person fails to do taqleed, all of his good deeds will be invalidated, no matter how virtuous a devotee he may be. Is this true?

The individual – who has not reached the level of ijtihad, nor does he act on precaution between the edicts of the mujtahids – cannot guarantee the correctness of his deeds before Almighty Allah, unless they correspond to the edicts of a religious scholar who is an expert in Islamic jurisprudence, i.e. a mujtahid. Referring to the expert will relieve him from liability if the edicts of the mujtahid do not conform to the actual legislated laws of Allah Almighty. Without following the expert mujtahid, the person will be held responsible before The Almighty if the actions and transactions were not really in accordance to the religion.