Day Questions

I have a lot of pain and the doctor has ordered some pain relief patches that I should put on my skin. It must stay on my body for a week, and then I have to remove it and attach another one. During the week I may not remove it, but what should I do if I have to perform an obligatory ghusl, while having the patch on my skin?

If the patch can be removed during the ghusl time, then one should do so and wash the skin underneath the patch directly. If this is not possible, you should wipe the water over the patch in ghusl, and tayammum should be performed as well.

If a person commits an act which his marja deems to be prohibited, and on Judgment Day it is discovered that the act was not actually a sin after all, will this person not be punished for it since the act was not prohibited? Or will he get punished because he disobeyed the edict of his marja?

The said person is not considered as disobedient, but is liable for proceeding to commit an act that he was informed to be a sin. An example of this is if a person drinks from a glass thinking it to be wine, but it turns out to be water.

Does his eminence have a specific marji’ that his followers should refer to where he doesn’t himself provide an edict?

When the view of his eminence on any issue is to act as an obligatory precaution, those who follow him have a choice of either acting upon that precaution or referring to another marji’, provided that the latter is more knowledgeable than the rest of the maraji’. One can determine the level of knowledge of the maraji’ by referring to the people of expertise (known as the ahl al-khibrah) who can differentiate between mujtahids and determine the most knowledgeable.

Many Sunni scholars insist that hijra - immigration is a necessity. I am a convert born in a non-Muslim country, and if I were to leave it would most probably entail losing custody of my children. What is the Shia opinion of hijra?

It is not mandatory to immigrate to Islamic countries. A Muslim must live in any place where he/she can observe the religion to find happiness in this life and the hereafter. There might be a non Islamic country with more suitable circumstance for Muslims to guard their religion than in an Islamic one.