Day Questions

Are obligatory prayers that I have missed in previous years forgiven after performing Hajj?

If someone missed an obligatory prayer, he committed a sin and he should ask almighty Allah to forgive this sin. Hajj can be a means of obtaining such forgiveness, but he still needs to make up the missed prayers.

Is it permissible to offer the prayer of Witr in the sitting manner?

The obligatory prayers must be offered while standing with the ability and freedom of choice, and it is not obligatory to offer them while standing with a justifiable excuse. Recommended prayers like the Witr prayer can be offered in sitting position, however it is recommended to offer it in two rak'as then.

Does wiping the head with new water make the wudhu void?

Yes, the wudhu is void if the wiping was with new water. If the water used in wiping is mixed with new water, and therefore the wiping was done using both waters, then the wudhu should be repeated based on an obligatory precaution.