His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah al-Hakeem, receives the Lebanese Ambassador to Iraq

His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah al-Hakeem, receives the Lebanese Ambassador to Iraq

His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammed Saeed al-Hakeem received Mr. Ali Adib al-Habhab, the Ambassador of Lebanon in Baghdad, along with his aides, on Sunday 5 May 2019.

Day Questions

What is Adalah?

A: Adalah – as a condition in the imam of the congregational prayer and in the witness – is a level of fearing Almighty Allah that leads to avoiding committing major sins. Committing small sins without insistence does not affect it. Adalah – as a condition in the Marja – is a high level of God-fearing which causes the person to refrain from disobeying religious laws and committing sins – whether they were small or major. If he rarely commits a sin, he would rush to repent and return to the Almighty Allah.

When does the woman reach the age of menopause as per the sharia?

If the woman was not a descendant of Qurasih, then the time of the Sharia-defined menopause is the age of fifty years. If she was a descendant of Quraish, then this time begins at the age of sixty years. However, if she knows that the blood that she has discharges is menstruation, even if her age is above the age of sharia defined menopause, she should apply the laws of menstruation to it.

Is it permissible to own pieces of art, sculptures and pictures? Is it also permissible to take photos of friends, family and strangers?

It is disliked to take possession of pictures of living things produced by drawing, painting or the like. The same is the case for statues of living things. It is permissible to take photographic images with cameras.