His Eminence Sayyid al-Hakeem calls the Turkish Alawite community to establish brotherly ties with other communities, and to learn the teachings of Islam and abide by them

His Eminence Sayyid al-Hakeem calls the Turkish Alawite community to establish brotherly ties with other communities, and to learn the teachings of Islam and abide by them

His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammed Saeed al-Hakeem advised the Turkish Alawite community to strengthen the ties of love and brotherhood between themselves and other nations, and to continue the visitations of the holy shrines of the Infallible Imams (peace be upon them), to follow their virtuous path and to extend the bridges of acquaintance and friendship with the brothers in faith. His Eminence gave this advice during a meeting with visitors from the Turkish Alawite community.

His Eminence also recommended that they familiarize themselves with the laws of Islam and they learn their religious duties, through liaison and communication with scholars and preachers, and by abiding by the guidance of the Ahlulbait (peace be upon them), and by performing their duties in their prescribed times.

His Eminence expressed his pleasure in meeting with them and having this dialogue, and reminded them of their religious principles which they are obligated to preserve, as well as their attachment to the Ahlulbait (peace be upon them), doing what is necessary to abide by the religious decrees.

His Eminence prayed for their success and for the acceptance of their good deeds, and asked them to convey his greetings to their relatives in Turkey.

Day Questions

If a body is decomposed beyond recognition or badly burnt, how can we perform Ghusl on it?

If Ghusl cannot be performed or it leads to the dead body breaking up and damaging it, then it is not mandatory. If the dead body has not deteriorated to such a level then Ghusl is mandatory.

I want to marry temporarily a woman who is neither a Muslim nor from the People of the Book. She is prepared to recite the two testimonies (Shahadatain) in English in order to make marriage to her permissible for me. Does this make it permissible for me to marry her?

If she pronounced the two testimonies with the acknowledgment of its meanings and commitment to them in such a way that she sees herself, because of this, a Muslim, then she is considered as one and your marriage to her is valid. If her testimony was not sincere and without accepting their meanings, then she is not a Muslim and your relationship with her is not permissible.

How tall was Imam Ali (peace be upon him)?

It was narrated in some history books that he was square-bodied. He was closer to be recognized as short as to be recognized as tall.

What is the ruling on having permanent or temporary tattoos?

The mentioned act is allowed but it is not allowed to have it if it prevents water from reaching the skin during ablution - Wudhu - and ritual ablution - Ghusl. It is also not allowed to put on pictures that propagate prohibited acts or enjoin evil.