Al-Sayyid al-Hakeem Passes Away

Al-Sayyid al-Hakeem Passes Away

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Indeed, we belong to Allah, and to Him do we indeed return.

His Eminence, Grand Ayatullah al-Sayyid Muhammad Sa’eed al-Tabataba’i al-Hakeem, has passed away to and returned to his Lord, the Most High. We pay our condolences to the nation of Islam, especially to the followers of the Ahlulbait (Peace be upon them) and the Islamic seminaries (Hawzas).

 We pray to Allah Almighty to bestow upon him His extensive and abundant mercy and blessings, and to raise him with the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Ahlulbait (peace be upon him).

There is no power or strength, except that of Allah, the Most High, the Most Mighty.


The Office of His Eminence al-Sayyid al-Hakeem, 25 Muharram 1443 (3 September, 2021)

Day Questions

Do mujtahids differ in the laws of the prayer? For example one tells us to pray this way and another tells us to pray another way?

It is natural to have different derivations, as people differ in their understanding of a single text, whereas the mujtahids deal with numerous texts, plus the fact that as time passes further away from the time of the texts, fallacies and probabilities increase. From this, the mission of a mujtahid becomes harder and his responsibility becomes greater in protecting the religion in a correct way and to the greatest possible extent. The oppressors and the liars throughout the times have made obstacles for us in obtaining the truths from the Imams (peace be upon them) which made the mission of the mujtahids more difficult. Therefore some variations are to be expected, in all areas of jurisprudence.

Is the belief in Allah is innate within humans?

There is no doubt that believing in Almighty Allah is innate within humans, i.e. within our fitrah. This innate belief can be weakened or dissolve away as a result of external effects, such as the environment or substantial subjection to fallacies. Having said that, this innate belief strengthens inside many people who live in an atheistic material environment when they face crises, as they are compelled to believe in Allah and seek refuge and help from Him. The Holy Quran confirmed this truth in many verses. Almighty Allah said: “And when harm touches you upon the sea, all unto whom you cry (for succor) fail save Him (alone), but when He brings you safe to land, you turn away, for man was ever thankless.” (17:67).

What is your view on Masjid Jamkaran? Is the narration about this mosque authentic?

There are no narrations from the Infallibles (peace be upon them) about this mosque. In the book of Mafatih al-Jinan, it is mentioned that a man saw in his dreams that Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) ordered him to build a mosque in this particular place and to offer four rak’at prayer. Since one cannot rely on dreams to prove religious rulings, one should not recite the prayers in the said mosque specifically because of any specific religious recommendation. However, one can worship and pray there for the sake of Almighty Allah as in any other mosque.