The Press Release on the Attack Against two Mosques in New Zealand

The Press Release on the Attack Against two Mosques in New Zealand

Surely, we are Allah’s, and surely to Him we shall return.

A group of xenophobic terrorists attacked Muslims who were praying in two mosques in New Zealand, in which around 50 innocent civilian Muslims were killed and more than 40 injured.

We condemn this act of terrorism, which has arisen from malicious xenophobia, and we call upon relevant parties to the following:
Firstly, the protection of the mosques and Islamic institutions and places of worship, and ensuring their right to safely and securely worship and practice their rituals of faith.

Secondly, to stand up against this xenophobic thinking which is another face of terrorism, and to follow up on those parties who are feeding it and supporting it, and to punish them appropriately, taking into regard the vicious crimes that have arisen from such hatred.

We pay our condolences to the families of the victims, and to all the Muslims living those lands, and we supplicate to the Almighty to heal hastily those injured and wounded, for He is the Most Merciful.

And there is no power and no might, save that of God’s.

Day Questions

Prior to the recent death of my Christian grandfather, he gave me $5,000. This would have been money I inherited, but he did not leave it to me in his will, to avoid having to pay taxes to the government on it. Must I pay khums on this money?

If your grandfather has given you the mentioned amount of money as a gift while he was alive, then it is an income subject to khums, similar to other earnings. If the money was given to you as a trust that you will own after his death, then it is an inheritance that is not subject to khums.

Did divine revelation continue for the Infallible Imams after the Prophet (peace be upon them all)?

The Prophethood and divine revelations of legislations ended at the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny), but some narrations indicate that angels communicate with the Imams (peace be upon them) and inform them what is taking place and what will take place. The Quran also speaks of the continuation of the descending of the angels during the Night of Qadr every year, which indicates that there is someone that receives certain information that night, which is clearly the Twelfth Imam (peace be upon him) in our time. This is further evidence from the Quran of his existence.

Can a person work in a kindergarten school where the children of Muslims and non-Muslims are given pork and prohibited meat?

It is permissible to work in the kindergarten if he is not serving the prohibited meat or preparing the meals that include it.