The Press Release on the Attack Against two Mosques in New Zealand

The Press Release on the Attack Against two Mosques in New Zealand

Surely, we are Allah’s, and surely to Him we shall return.

A group of xenophobic terrorists attacked Muslims who were praying in two mosques in New Zealand, in which around 50 innocent civilian Muslims were killed and more than 40 injured.

We condemn this act of terrorism, which has arisen from malicious xenophobia, and we call upon relevant parties to the following:
Firstly, the protection of the mosques and Islamic institutions and places of worship, and ensuring their right to safely and securely worship and practice their rituals of faith.

Secondly, to stand up against this xenophobic thinking which is another face of terrorism, and to follow up on those parties who are feeding it and supporting it, and to punish them appropriately, taking into regard the vicious crimes that have arisen from such hatred.

We pay our condolences to the families of the victims, and to all the Muslims living those lands, and we supplicate to the Almighty to heal hastily those injured and wounded, for He is the Most Merciful.

And there is no power and no might, save that of God’s.

Day Questions

Is Dua al-Tawassul recommended to read, and who first taught it?

We cannot confirm that an Imam has recited this supplication. Yes, it has been reported in some books that the said supplication is narrated from one of the Imams (peace be upon them). Supplicating to Almighty Allah through the Prophet or the Imams (peace be upon them) is amongst the recommended deeds, whether we use this particular supplication or another Dua.

Are Druze and Alawites considered Muslims or not?

They do not usually declare their beliefs, but if they believe in Islam and in the two testimonies, then they are considered as Muslims. If they believe in the divinity of other than Allah, then they are non-Muslims.

How does one prolong the temporary marriage contract for some more time?

This can be done by the man forgoing the remaining time (thus ending the temporary marriage) and forming a new temporary marriage contract.