The Press Release on the Martydom of Shaikh Tawakkuli

The Press Release on the Martydom of Shaikh Tawakkuli

“And reckon not those who are killed in the way of Allah as dead; rather, they are alive; they are provided substance from their Lord.” (3:169)

The terrorists attacked last night Allama Shaikh Mohammed Ja’far Tawakkuli, the head of the office of His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Al-Hakim (may God prolong his life) in the Afghani city of Herat, after having lead the congregational prayers in the mosque. This heinous attack led to his martyrdom. Through his active his efforts – for many years – he aided the application of His Eminence’s programs in supporting and helping those injured in acts of terrorism, as well as orphans and needy families, and in implementing his programs in the propagation of the message of Islam on a wide scale across Afghanistan.

We condemn this act of terrorism in the strongest terms, and we urge the government of Afghanistan to strive seriously to uncover the criminals, to punish them and to protect the lives of the scholars, the students of the religious seminary and the innocent civilians there. We pray to the Almighty Creator to cover the felicitous deceased with His vast mercy, and to raise him amongst the righteous martyrs, and to bestow patience and solace upon those he left behind.

And there is no power, nor might, save that of Allah, the Most High, the Supreme.

Office of His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Al-Hakim (may God prolong his life)

9th of Shawwal, 1439

Day Questions

I have heard some people say that we should wash the face and both arms three times each, and I have heard others say that we should wash them twice only. Which is the correct way?

Wudhu is not correct if the face or arms are washed three times, in such a way that each wash is complete and covers the entire part. It is sufficient to wash the face and arms once. Washing them twice is permissible. One washing can comprise of pouring water over the face or arms once, twice, thrice or more times.

I would like to know if Islam allows a woman to give the dower to the man.

In Islam, the dower is the responsibility of the husband.

When performing daily obligatory prayers, is it preferable to join them, or to leave a lapse of time between each, e.g. an hour between Dhuhr and Asr, 15 minutes between Maghrib and Isha?

It is better to offer the prayer at their prime time, the best times to offer them. The prime time of the Dhuhr prayer is till the length of the shadow of an object reaches two-sevenths of the length of the object itself. The prime time of the Asr prayer is from the prime time of the Dhuhr prayer till the length of the shadow reaches four-sevenths of the object. The prime time of the Maghrib prayer is from the sunset till the disappearance of the redness from the western horizon. The prime time to offer the Isha prayer is from that time till the third of the night.

Is any dhikr permissible in bowing and prostration?

It is sufficient in the bowing position to recite "Subhana Rabbiyal-Adheem wa bi-Hamdih", or "Subhanallah" three times. It is also sufficient to recite any sort of "dhikr" that consists of praising Allah, like "Alhamdulillah" thrice, reciting Takbir thrice or reciting "La Ilaha Illallah" thrice, provided that the said is equivalent to "Subhanallah" three times. The same applies to prostration except that "Subhana Rabbiyal-Aala wa bi-Hamdih" is to be recited instead of "Subhana Rabbiyal-Adheem wa bi-Hamdih". But, it is not sufficient to recite, "Subhana Rabbiyal-Aala wa bi-Hamdih" in bowing, nor is it sufficient to recite, "Subhana Rabbiyal-Adheem wa bi-Hamdih" in prostration.