- Emulation - Taqleed 65
- Taharah 350
- Prayers 296
- Fasting 120
- Zakat 23
- Khums 82
- Pilgrimage 45
- Trade 121
- Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Wrong 88
- Trust 1
- Leasing 3
- Lending & Borrowing 8
- Agency 1
- Will 3
- Gifts 4
- Religious Endowment (Waqf) 6
- Charity 4
- Marriage 300
- Divorce 67
- Vow, Covenant & Oath 16
- Kaffarah 6
- Usurpation 1
- Lost Property 5
- Hunting and Slaughtering 23
- Food & Drink 53
- Sea Animal 8
- Land Animals 11
- Birds 2
- Solid Food 6
- Liquids 11
- General Rulings 15
- Inheritance 14
- Compensation (Diyah and Dhaman) 10
- Diyah 7
- Ahlulbait 42
- Alcohol 15
- Banking 15
- Beliefs 89
- Blood Donation 2
- Clothing & Adornment 40
- Clothing 15
- Rings 6
- Cosmetics and Makeup 12
- Silk 2
- Gold 5
- Copyrights 2
- Converts 7
- Dance 4
- Eid 15
- Games 10
- Hijab 27
- General Issues 23
- History 2
- Holy Quran 29
- Human Cloning 2
- Imam Mahdi (Peace be upon him) 20
- Immigration 1
- Islamic Religion 31
- Internet 8
- Istikhara 10
- Islam & Christianity 3
- Jesus (Peace be upon him) 4
- Laws 2
- Man & Woman 32
- Masturbation 19
- Medical Issues 24
- Mosques 12
- Mourning Imam Hussein 34
- Mourning 7
- Muharram 10
- Tatbeer 6
- Ways of Mourning 11
- Narrations 11
- The Prophet - Peace be upon him- 9
- Organ Donation 2
- Quran Commentary 9
- Religious Chants 6
- Pets 7
- Religious Propagation 9
- Relationships 19
- Slavery 1
- Satan 2
- Smoking 8
- Supplication-Dua 22
- Tattoos 5
- Sport 2
- Tran Sexuality 4
- Vivisetion 1
- Wilayet Alfaqih 3
- Work 31
- Yoga 1
- Ziyara 15
Can we supplicate to the Messenger of Allah, the Ahlulbait and the Imams (peace be upon them all)?
The Dua (supplication) is a “request”, and since Almighty Allah is in charge of the universe and manages all creations, asking Him is direct. Requesting from others, like the Prophets or the Imams, is not permissible if the seeker considers them as being independent in dealing with his request, aside from Almighty Allah. This is like considering a partner with Almighty Allah.
If the believer seeks the intercession of the Prophets and the Imams (peace be upon them) as they can then ask Almighty Allah to fulfill the seeker’s supplication, or he requests from Almighty Allah to fulfill his supplication by referring to the high rank of the noble personalities of the Prophets and the Imams (peace be upon them), then these two kinds of supplications are considered as permissible acts of worship.
What is the most effective supplication/Ziyara?
There are many Ziyaras taught by the Ahlulbait (peace be upon them), such as al-Ziyarah al-Jami’ah, Ziyarat Warith and Ziyarat-e-Ashura. There are also many supplications, like Du’a Kumayl and the supplications of al-Sahifah al-Sajjadiyah.
Is Dua al-Tawassul recommended to read, and who first taught it?
We cannot confirm that an Imam has recited this supplication. Yes, it has been reported in some books that the said supplication is narrated from one of the Imams (peace be upon them). Supplicating to Almighty Allah through the Prophet or the Imams (peace be upon them) is amongst the recommended deeds, whether we use this particular supplication or another Dua.
Is Dua al-Tawassul more powerful if recited after Morning Prayer?
The mentioned supplication is not amongst the supplications that are prescribed to be recited at the mentioned time. There are particular supplications that are specified to be recited in the early morning in the book "Mafateeh al-Jinan".
What is your opinion regarding the authenticity of Dua al-Adeelah? Is it from an Imam?
Dua al-Adeelah which is mentioned in the supplications books is not related to an Imam. It is recommended to recognize the true beliefs when one is dying, and at all times, whether this done by reciting Dua al-Adeelah or using other ways to strengthen the true belief in one’s soul and defeat the attacks of Satan and his mischief.
Is the supplication of "Nadi Ali" authentic?
This specific text is not amongst the supplications that have been narrated from the Infallibles (peace be upon them). However, it is permissible to recite it in order to seek intercession from Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, for the fulfilment of one’s needs and wishes. All matters are in God’s power, but he made the Prophet and his progeny (peace be upon them) intercessors.
Is there a verse of the Quran or a supplication that can help a person in finding work and employment?
Repeatedly seeking forgiveness is one of the causes of getting sustenance, if God wishes. Almighty Allah said: “Seek the pardon of your Lord. Lo! He was ever forgiving. He will let loose the sky for you in plenteous rain” (71:10-11).
I am trying my best to find a job, without success. Is there anything I can say or recite for my duas to be answered?
Seek forgiveness from Almighty Allah and invoking His blessings upon the Prophet and his household (peace be upon them) – “Istighfar” and reciting the "Salawat" – repeatedly are amongst the acts that may cause the duas to be accepted and answered.
I have been unemployed and looking for work for some time, and it is very worrying. Is there any specific supplication or verses of the Quran to help me?
It has been reported in some narrations that repeatedly reciting Surah Al- Qadr (chapter 97 of the Holy Quran) and repeatedly seeking forgiveness increases sustenance and the means of sustenance.
Please guide us in regards to any supplications and Quranic verses for my daughter’s protection from the evil eye.
It has been narrated from the Imams (peace be upon them) that reciting the last two chapters of the Holy Quran (chapters 113 and 114) helps to protect from the evil eye.
I have given up in life. Is there a supplication that can bring me death?
There is no dua for wishing to die. It is not amongst the characters of a believer to wish to die, nor to ask his Lord for such an issue. Rather, a believer is expected to call Almighty Allah to remove the hardship and decrease its effect on him, as He is All-Merciful.
Is there a du'a that I can recite to help me pass examinations at school?
There is no specific supplication for this that has been narrated from the Infallibles (peace be upon them). However, it has been reported that to fulfill one's need, one can prostrate and say seven time "Ya Arham al-Rahimeen", then ask for your wish.
Is it permissible for me to accept payment for a dua that I did for someone?
Yes, it is permissible, but it is better if the payment is given and taken as a gift.
If an unbeliever asks me to help him pray to Allah so that his legitimate desires be granted by Allah, can I do so? And if he gives me a gift for it, can I accept it?
You can pray for their guidance, and you can also accept their gifts. Religious narrations encourage good behavior with the unbelievers.
I read a ruling on his Eminence’s website that it is not good to wipe your hands over your face after Dua, as it is disliked by our Imams (peace be upon them). Is it also disliked to wipe the hands over the face after finishing the prayer?
What has been mentioned on the website is the dislike of wiping the face specifically after Qunoot, not after other various kinds of supplications (du’as). It is recommended to wipe the face after every Du’a, except for the Qunoot as it is disliked. As for wiping the face after the prayer, we are not aware of a narration that encourages or discourages such an act.
Is it allowed to recite any dua in the Arabic language when one is performing an obligatory prayer?
Yes, it is permissible, and it is permissible to do so in any language.
I have read on the internet that Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (peace be upon him) taught a supplication to one of his companions for the increase in sustenance.
If someone recites another supplication 100 or 500 times a day instead of this particular invocation, will he get the same amount of blessings from Almighty in terms of bounty in sustenance and wealth? Or the first supplication given by Holy Imam (peace be upon him) will be more beneficial?
The effect of greater sustenance and the like from the supplication that the Imam (peace be upon him) taught shall occur with the permission of Almighty Allah. Other supplications are general invocations to Almighty Allah and are good at all occasions and times.
If we pray to God and ask very ambitiously and humbly for something, but our dua is not accepted, then for how long should we continue to beg? When should we think that this thing will not be given to us and we should leave praying?
We should always ask Almighty Allah and seek His blessings and hope for His answer, as this feeling is one of the reasons to grant the wishes. If we do not get the request answered, we stay in this condition as we are gaining the reward of the supplications, even if we did not obtain what we are asking for.
If we do not get what we wanted, we accept what Almighty Allah's wills, since He indeed knows the best for us. With this submission to what He wants, we gain the great reward that Almighty Allah kept for whoever accepts His will as He is the Most Merciful.
For how long should one ask for something important from Almighty Allah?
There is no specific time period for waiting for the response to one’s supplication. But, if the believer insists on asking and seeking, then such supplications are closer to be answered.
What is the ruling on doing Dua to the members of Ahlulbait (peace be upon them? Is it allowed to ask them for favors? Or is it better to ask directly from Almighty Allah?
The dua (supplication) is asking Almighty Allah. The Imams of the Ahlulbait are intercessors to Allah and He does not reject their intercession. Nothing is wrong in seeking intercession from the Prophet and his household (peace be upon them). It is mentioned in the Holy Quran: “And if, when they had wronged themselves, they had but come unto thee and asked forgiveness of Allah, and asked forgiveness of the Messenger, they would have found Allah Forgiving, Merciful.” (4:64)