Resting Before Tawaf
Question :

After entering Ihram, if one proceeds to Makkah, is he allowed to rest for some time in a hotel when he reaches Makkah before performing the Tawaf?

Answer :

Yes, it is permissible.

Carrying Sharp Objects During Tawaf
Question :

During Tawaf can a person carry scissors, a blade or knife with him as it is required for Taqseer?

Answer :

Yes, it is permissible.

Wearing Slippers During Tawaf
Question :

Can Tawaf be performed wearing slippers?

Answer :

It is permissible to wear slippers during Tawaf, but if it is during Ihram, then covering the top of the foot is not permissible; so one should choose a slipper that does not cover the top of the foot.

Menses During Hajj
Question :

A woman has a habit of time in her menses. She is going for Hajj but expects her bleeding to start during the Hajj season. Is it permissible for her to take or have taken hormonal pills which delay a woman's periods?

Answer :

Yes, it is permissible.

Mistake in Umrah Mufrada
Question :

What is the ruling if one forgets to perform Tawaf al-Nisa in Umrah Mufrada and returns back home? Should he go again in Ihram and preform Tawaf al-Nisa?

Answer :

One should do the Tawaf by himself or hire someone else to do it on his behalf. Women are prohibited for him until he does so.

Question :

I performed Umra al-Tamattu and after the Tawaf I took the exit after the Black Stone thinking that I can turn left to go to the Maqam to offer the Prayer of Tawaf. Because of the crowd I was unable to do so and I performed the prayer at the place of Sa'ee and continued to undertake the Sa'ee and Taqseer. I returned the next day and repeated the Prayer of Tawaf behind the Maqam. Is my Umra in order and can I continue with Hajj?

Answer :

If the Sa'ee and Taqseer were done with the belief that they are correct according to him, then this is sufficient in their correctness.
It is sufficient in the prayer of Tawaf that it was made up as Qadha within the Mosque the next day.

Offering Tawaf Prayers in Congregation
Question :

Is it allowed to perform the Tawaf Prayer in congregation (Jama’at)?

Answer :

Offering Tawaf prayer in congregation is not sufficient as an obligatory precaution.