- Emulation - Taqleed 65
- Taharah 350
- Prayers 296
- Fasting 120
- Zakat 23
- Khums 82
- Pilgrimage 45
- Trade 121
- Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Wrong 88
- Trust 1
- Leasing 3
- Lending & Borrowing 8
- Agency 1
- Will 3
- Gifts 4
- Religious Endowment (Waqf) 6
- Charity 4
- Marriage 300
- Divorce 67
- Vow, Covenant & Oath 16
- Kaffarah 6
- Usurpation 1
- Lost Property 5
- Hunting and Slaughtering 23
- Food & Drink 53
- Sea Animal 8
- Land Animals 11
- Birds 2
- Solid Food 6
- Liquids 11
- General Rulings 15
- Inheritance 14
- Compensation (Diyah and Dhaman) 10
- Diyah 7
- Ahlulbait 42
- Alcohol 15
- Banking 15
- Beliefs 89
- Blood Donation 2
- Clothing & Adornment 40
- Clothing 15
- Rings 6
- Cosmetics and Makeup 12
- Silk 2
- Gold 5
- Copyrights 2
- Converts 7
- Dance 4
- Eid 15
- Games 10
- Hijab 27
- General Issues 23
- History 2
- Holy Quran 29
- Human Cloning 2
- Imam Mahdi (Peace be upon him) 20
- Immigration 1
- Islamic Religion 31
- Internet 8
- Istikhara 10
- Islam & Christianity 3
- Jesus (Peace be upon him) 4
- Laws 2
- Man & Woman 32
- Masturbation 19
- Medical Issues 24
- Mosques 12
- Mourning Imam Hussein 34
- Mourning 7
- Muharram 10
- Tatbeer 6
- Ways of Mourning 11
- Narrations 11
- The Prophet - Peace be upon him- 9
- Organ Donation 2
- Quran Commentary 9
- Religious Chants 6
- Pets 7
- Religious Propagation 9
- Relationships 19
- Slavery 1
- Satan 2
- Smoking 8
- Supplication-Dua 22
- Tattoos 5
- Sport 2
- Tran Sexuality 4
- Vivisetion 1
- Wilayet Alfaqih 3
- Work 31
- Yoga 1
- Ziyara 15
If my shoes become najis by stepping into najasah, can I make my shoes tahir by rubbing them on the earth?
Earth can only make the soles of the shoes, the feet and the like tahir by walking on them, provided that the najasah was caused by walking on the earth.
Earth can make things tahir when it is dry, and based on an obligatory precaution it must be tahir itself.