The Press Release on the Events in Azerbaijan

The Press Release on the Events in Azerbaijan

The Press Release on the Events in Azerbaijan

Day Questions

I have been engaged to marry a girl, and both parties have expressed serious commitment. We will get married soon, God willing. In this situation, can I engage in a temporary marriage with the girl until we get married permanently, to keep us from prohibited acts, without our parents knowing?

Yes, it is permissible for you to perform a temporary marriage contract without the permission of the father, but it is prohibited to have sexual intercourse, even if it is anal intercourse, but other sexual enjoyments are permissible then.

If a couple in the West are not officially married and they have a child and they get married after a year, can their child lead prayers since they were together but just not officially?

If the parents were non-Muslims at the time of conceiving the child, and if the relationship between them was legitimately recognized by their religion, then the child is considered to be from a legitimate birth and can lead the prayers, if the relationship was not religiously recognized in their religion, then he cannot lead the prayers even after embracing Islam. If the parents were Muslims at the time of conceiving the child and the relationship was governed by a religiously-accepted marriage contract - even if it is verbal and not recognized by the state - then the child is recognized as their legitimate child and therefore he can lead the prayers, if there was no such religious contract, then the child is not from a legitimate birth and then cannot lead the prayers.

My ex-wife and I got divorced and we have a daughter who is now ten years old. My daughter is with my ex-wife. She does not let me see her. What are my rights as a father in this situation?

If the girl reached the age of Sharia-defined adulthood, she can choose to live with her mother or father. Neither of them is allowed to prevent the girl from seeing the other parent.

During Takbeeratul-Ihram, is it obligatory to raise my hands?

It is not mandatory to raise the hands, but it is recommended.