The Press Release on the Tragedy at the Entrance of the Holy Shrine

 The Press Release on the Tragedy at the Entrance of the Holy Shrine

Indeed we are of Allah and to Him we shall return

It is with great sadness and pain that the news of the tragedy at the entrance of the holy shrine of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) has reached us, which led to the loss of tens of lives, as they repeated the chant “Ya Husayn”, their hearts filled with the love and grief for the Ahlulbait (peace be upon them), during their participation of the Tuwairich Run on the afternoon of Ashura.
We, therefore, pay condolences to the Imam of our Time (may Allah hasten his reappearance) as well as to their grieving families, and to all the believers and lovers of the Ahlulbait (peace be upon them).
We call upon those responsible in the Iraqi government and the Custodianship of the Holy Shrines to establish sound plans and to take precautionary measures to ensure that such a tragedy does not occur again.
Similarly, we call upon all the respected visitors to the holy shrines – may Allah honour them – to act in coordination with the brothers who have been tasked with managing the millions of visitors in order to enable the illumination of godly teachings and guidance, and the expression of love and sorrow for the Ahlulbait (peace be upon them). Indeed, such service during this season is amongst the greatest of deeds in the eyes of Allah Almighty, and He is the greatest supporter and the Guardian of the believers.
In conclusion, we supplicate to Allah Almighty to bless those pure souls and to raise them in the highest ranks with the Master of Martyrs and his noble companions, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon them all. We pray that He inspires their loved ones who they leave behind with patience and solace, and that He blesses the injured with a quick recovery, for He is the Most Merciful.

11 Muharram 1441

Day Questions

I have not fasted during the month of Ramadan for many years deliberately. Is there a way I can repent for this and be forgiven?

Fasting is among the obligatory pillars that Islam was built upon. Not performing it is amongst the big sins for which Almighty Allah has threatened to punish with hellfire. However, Almighty Allah has also opened the doors of mercy for his slaves when he said: "Say: O My slaves who have wronged their own selves! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, Who forgives all sins. Lo! He is the Forgiving, the Merciful." (53:39). We ask Almighty Allah to forgive all believers and bless us all. However, alongside this, it is obligatory to make up for all the fasts missed, as well as undertaking the Kaffara and paying the Fidya, as explained in detailed in the treatise of Islamic laws.

Is one obligated to provide food and shelter for the wife or the mother?

It is compulsory for a person to provide shelter and food for both of them when possible, and if it is not possible then the wife has precedence.

I find that I have become addicted to masturbating. I masturbate, then ask Allah for his forgiveness, then I masturbate again and this cycle continues. Is it possible to ask Allah for His forgiveness?

You should seek forgiveness and you should not despair of the mercy of Allah, no matter how many times you commits sins, as Almighty Allah does not close the door of mercy and forgiveness no matter how often one commits sins. You should strengthen yourself against your sinful desires and make yourself busy with what benefits you until Almighty Allah grants you an opportunity to get married. We ask Him to guard you, as He is most merciful.

Verse 185 of Suratul-Baqarah says that those who can afford a redemption should feed a poor person. Does this verse say that if one cannot fast he can give food to a poor person instead of fasting?

A number of narrations explain this verse to refer to the old man/woman who suffer from thirst or similar conditions when fasting, which leads to severe hardship and discomfort, so they are permitted to break their fast and pay the Fidya.